AustCh A-Te-Ells Madame Ucci (Imp Swd)

Whelped:  4 June 2004
Owner:  Mr C & Mrs J Fynmore
Breeder:  A & C Lyrholm

Picture courtesy of I&SE BSDC of NSW, taken by Johanna Lynch 2004

Picture courtesy of I&SE BSDC of NSW, taken by Johanna Lynch 2004

Photo taken at the 2009 BSDCVic Specialty

NU/DKU/LP/POL Ch POL W-00, EU W-00, sr, Greco Comme un Reve Noir (Hng) Vendredi des Terres Bergeres
Voros Pimpernel Tosca
sr RA Bsg-00 Chili van’t Belgisch Schoon (Ndl) s.r. Jason de la Douce Plaine
s.r. NL/LuxCh Gailly van’t Belgisch Schoon